Re-take Control Program
Lose 1 - 2 stone in 12 weeks without spending hours in the gym!


If you're ready to...
Strip body fat
Build a strong foundation of health, movement and nutrition knowledge
Action real change and invest fully in yourself
Take responsibility for your own health, weight-loss and life NOW
Then My 12 Week Re-Take Control Online Program Is for you!

If you've failed before, it's not your fault. There's A LOT of BS out there in the health and fitness industry; FADs, 'belly-fat miracles' and 'secret six-pack supplements'.
With 10 years in the industry I've heard most of them! (Although some do surprise me to this day)
I DON'T prescribe FAD diets
I DON'T sell secret supplements promising miracle results
I DON'T jump about on camera putting you through boot-camp workouts
Why Online Coaching?
Online Coaching provides all the benefits and accountability of training with me, but with the freedom to complete workouts and lifestyle steps on your own schedule. All the results with more convenience.
Weight-loss STARTS with your lifestyle; those small daily actionable steps that shape your health.
Weight-loss DOES NOT start in the gym; don't be the hamster on the wheel.
I'm here to guide you through real long-term change.
I become your Virtual Health & Weight-loss Coach. We work together towards your own personal goals building a healthy sustainable lifestyle for long-term success.
Why 1 - 2 stone in 12 weeks?
Typical healthy weight-loss for the general population ranges between 0.5kg - 1 kg per week, depending on start position. We always aim for the upper boundary of healthy weight-loss for long-term change.
What are the typical results from the Re-Take Control Program?
Average weight loss typically falls around the 2 stone mark for clients passing through the Re-take Control program. However this depends on your starting point, your own goals and your action step adherence! Take a look at the testimonial page for real results.

How does the Re-Take Control Program work?
I become your personal virtual weight-loss coach. You'll be able to download your own personal app and cloud folder, through which we'll work to tailor your lifestyle and set you up for long-term weight loss. I'll provide a recorded video check-in to review your week and help you develop daily habits with small manageable action steps. You will have full access to additional reading and support material with everything you need to help you smash through your health and weight-loss goals. I'll also deliver a weekly lesson to further your knowledge on health and fitness for long-term change. You also have contact with me all week with direct message support! The program is split in the 3 phases of weight loss... the 3 big movers!!!
Phase 1 - Nutrition focus
Phase 2 -Movement focus
Phase 3 - Sleep & Lifestyle focus
Do I need to go to the gym?
If you've read my homepage, you'll realise weight loss does not start in the gym!!!
I won't jump about on camera putting you through boot-camp workouts.
I deliver real education, and real action steps for real results.
Are you qualified to coach me?
REPs & CIMSPA Level 4 Weight-management specialist
Primal Health Coach
REPs Level 3 Personal Trainer (R0145972)
REPs Level 2 Fitness Instructor
BSc Hons Sport and Exercise Science
Sports Nutrition
Month 1
Week 1 - Nutrition Principles
Week 2 - Carbohydrates
Week 3 - Fats
Week 4 - Proteins
Month 2
Week 5 - Energy Systems
Week 6 - Resistance Training
Week 7 - Low Intensity Movement
Week 8 - High Intensity Movement
Month 3
Week 9 - Stress
Week 10 - Sleep
Week 11 - Nature
Week 12 - Graduation! (or continue)
Re-take Control Program
Weekly 1 -1 video coaching session tailoring your lifestyle
Weekly lesson on a weight-loss element of a healthy lifestyle
Weekly action steps to pull you towards your goals & vision
Cloud based tracking & programming; Workouts, Nutrition, Movement & Sleep
Cloud based support material
Full nutritional guidance & personal tailoring
Quick & easy meals & recipes
Sleep & stress management techniques
Direct message support to boost your transformation
£50 p/week
Payable Monthly
Option to extend after 12 weeks.